Initial Submission
All papers must be written in English. Please
follow the instructions below to complete the
- To facilitate our double-blind review process, each submission must enter online the author and paper information: (1) author(s), (2) affiliation(s), (3) complete addresses, telephone/fax numbers, and email address of one
author to whom all correspondence should be
addressed, (4) title of the paper, and (5)
selected topic area. Then, upload separately the
file of abstract or paper in PDF format WITHOUT any
author information.
- Abstracts should be 1 to 3 pages. Panel proposals are treated as abstracts; it must include a list of panelists and are up to 3 pages only. Work-in-progress paper are requested at 4-7 pages. Full papers must be a complete research and with 8-25 pages (up to 10000 words), not including tables or figures, for
review purpose. All submissions will be double-blind refereed by independent reviewers on rolling
basis. Click here to download a sample paper; the instructions for format styles could be find in the section "Final Submission Guideline".
- All submissions, in PDF format only, must be submitted via the MS-CMT "ICEB 2023 Online Submission" hyperlink available at this homepage. All submissions must be received on or before the submission deadline.
- Each paper must indicate ONLY ONE corresponding author and ONLY ONE presenter. At least one author must register and attend the conference.
- Camera-ready papers or abstracts for publication in the conference proceedings must be in the MS-Word 97-2003 format (and must be received by the required date. Each registered author can publish up to three papers in the online proceedings. However, authors with more than one paper must pay additional charges for the extra papers.
- Paper presenter's online registration and conference payment in full (including authors, session chairs, and panelists) must be received on or before the early-bird registration date to validate one's attendance as a presenter at ICEB Conference. Without prior permission, presenters who do not remit online registration before the required date will not be eligible to orally present papers.
- At least one author is required to personally attend the conference on site or through Skype to present the paper(s). Without prior permission, a paper without any oral presentation will not be included in the proceedings book.
- Each author can publish up to 5 papers as a co-author, but only up to 3 papers as the first or corresponding author. The excessive papers will be desk rejected.
- Authors initially submitted abstracts must extend it to WIP or Full papers at least one day before the conference to share with the attendees and session chairs.
- The accepted full or work-in-progress papers and abstracts will be shared as a ZIP file with all the attendees during the conference and removed after the conference.
- Only submissions of full papers can enter the Outstanding Paper Awards competition. The award recipients must published their papers as full papers in the post-conference proceedings book. Otherwise, they will be disqualified to receive the awards.
- The formal post-conference proceedings will be published online in English after the conference event (with ISSN 1683-0040 indexed by EI/SCOPUS since 2005). However, a publication fee of USD 200 is required besides the registration fee.
- Only WIP and Full papers can be indexed by EI/SCOPUS. Abstracts cannot be published in the post-conference proceedings book.
- Full papers intended to be published in journals later should be published as 4-page WIP papers in the indexed formal proceedings book.
Please see the IMPORTANT DATES and
CONTACT US announced on the conference website.
*** Important note: Based on the content quality, ICEB Editorial Office reserves the right to exclude poor-quality content from the program book and the proceedings book to maintain the conference quality.